Workshops for Teachers
Leah Hiller, MA, OTR/L, provides workshops and professional development, individual and team coaching, and consultative support to schools
in meeting the needs of children.
To learn more about Leah's work with schools,
Leah Hiller, MA, OTR/L is a pediatric occupational therapist (OT) and educational consultant. Prior to becoming and OT, leah worked for almost a decade as an elementary school teacher. Leah provides workshops and professional development, individual and team coaching, and consultative support to schools in order to help meet the needs of children, both typically developing and those with special needs, to ensure a well-rounded and inclusive education.
Leah’s Areas of Expertise
Occupational therapy support and services to ensure success for all students by focusing on prevention and screening, paired with universal and targeted early interventions
Instructional coaching, training, and consultation with teachers, aides, and other professionals to help them utilize students’ most effective learning methods to improve academic achievement
Support for the home-school connection by providing parent education and tools for partnering
Developing inclusive classrooms; Building and supporting problem-solving teams (Student Study Teams)
Consultation at schools for implementation of individualized educational programs
Design of sensory and motor-rich play spaces
Consultation on universal design principles and child development when making systemic changes (i.e., adopting curriculum, purchasing play equipment, arranging learning spaces, constructing/renovating campus)
Leah’s Current Workshops
Workshops are designed to be 1- or 2-, hour sessions. If you don’t see one that fits your school or organization’s needs, Leah can work with you to design a custom session.
Sensory Strategies for Self-Regulation
Partnering with Parents: A Workshop for Teachers
Fine Motor Fun & Function: Pencil Grasp & Fine Motor Skills
Giftedness: Fact, Fiction, & Twice Exceptionality (2E)
Kindergarten Readiness: A Workshop for Parents and Caregivers
Executive Function & Thriving with ADHD
Social Skills at Play
Learning with Learning Disabilities
Universal Design for Learning: A Workshop for Teachers
Creating Inclusive Classrooms: A Workshop for Teachers